Monday, November 5, 2012

Primary Children's Delivery

As cautiously optimistic as I was that I might be able to hand deliver a few of the toys we collected, it just wasn't possible, though, I still came away from the delivery with a story to share.  When Mrs. McGuire and I arrived at Primary Children's we were greeted by an employee and a volunteer.  It is the volunteer which truly brought joy to my heart.  As I was filling out the form above, she was going through the boxes, to see what all we'd brought, and my goodness, it was like Christmas for her.  She told us about how she had just made the rounds delivering very similar things.  She was able to give us a secondhand account of the smiles that these toys will bring to the faces of so many children.  She just couldn't believe that there were so many toys sitting there in front of her.  She was elated by the fact that she would be able to deliver them to the kids, and help brighten up so many days.
Though it's her that gets to be the one that delivers them, it would not have been possible without  each and every family who helped contribute to the cause.  I just want to say how truly thankful I am for how well this drive went, and how big a difference we will be able to make because of it.
I did take the time to stamp the school's return address on every letter we delivered, so my final hope is  that even just one of the recipients will write back and give the children some form of recognition for what they did, but even if we don't get a single reply, we can walk away from this knowing how big a difference we made!  There are 256 children that will have a brighter moment on a rainy day because of us, and for that, to have been a part of that difference, I am truly thankful.

1 comment:

  1. As a Parent who has spent many days, nights, weeks up at PCMC... These gifts make the hardest days just a little brighter. When we are up there, we can not leave our room and so the days can be very long and these toys will make the stay for my child and all the other children just a little easier.
    Thank you.
