Well, first parent teacher conferences are done and out of the way. Thank you all for coming in. It was good to really sit and talk with some of you parents that I haven't seen since back-to-school night. All in all we have a really good group of kids this year and it was fun to share the successes. It is also a good time to look at things we can work on, especially with the end of the term quickly approaching! (I can't believe we're more than halfway through it already.)
Things are as they are here at school. There's not been anything too abnormal. Cultural Fair is quickly approaching as well. The projects will presented October 17-19, so please make sure your students are staying on top of it. It is a really fun project, from a teacher's point-of-view, to see the heritages these students have been brought up with.
Mrs. Weidenbacher, the integrated arts specialist for our school, brought in a guest for us from Tandy Leather. He showed the students many different leatherworking projects and gave them the opporunity to pound some designs into a piece of leather. They really enjoyed getting to beat at the tools with the mallets. It's not every day that their encouraged to hit things like this. They loved it!

We've got just a few other big things going on around the classroom. First off, book reports are due this coming week. I have given the students an assigned date but in the event that their paper got lost between school and home, here are the assignments again:

Finally, we have our play, Character Matters. It's a very cute mix-up of a bunch of fairy tales put together in such a way that it teaches different character development and social traits. The parts have been assigned and we've run through it a couple of times in the classroom. Just so you know, here is the basic schedule I have planned out for it.

Notice that I am planning 3 performances between November 21 and 22. With limited seating in the auditorium, parents are only officially invited to the third and final one. If for some reason that absolutely cannot work for you to see it, talk to me and we'll see what we can do to fit you into one of the others, but please, do your best to come to only that one performance. Besides, it's the third performance, so it will be the best one! I will also be filming the performance and taking a cast picture that I will be offering afterward for pretty much the cost of the supplies. It is coming along really well and I'm excited to see what we can put out after a month more worth of rehearsals. It will be a show you won't want to miss!
"We've got a show, a story that features, fairy tale folk, and fairy tale creatures!" ~Character Matters Opening Song
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