Sunday, November 28, 2010

November 28, 2010

The year is quickly moving forward as get ready to say goodbye to November and hello to December. Can you believe we're a third of the way through the school year already?! It's crazy to think about how quickly time is flying by.

This past Tuesday, as a part of Mrs. McGuire's Arts and Technology class, with ties to many different cultures within our Social Studies core, we had a plaster mask making day. Our picture this week comes from that:

With the same promise I make to my kids each year, if we can be done and cleaned with enough time, I allow them to make a plaster mask on me. They succeeded in giving us enough time. Mrs. McGuire decided to join me in the excitement this year!

Needless to say, we had a pretty fun day before going out for break!

As we come back in session, we have to be ready to hit the grindstone. This week in math will be a couple of review lessons, with the week ending in our benchmark test!

Reading Class will continure into the nonfiction theme our our book.

Science will continue on into the heat, light and sound unit of term 2.

All in all, we keep moving forward in the curriculum of sixth grade, learning all we have to learn, and trying to have some fun while doing it. Hey, just think, only 3 weeks until winter break!

"One kind word can warm three winter months." ~Japanese Proverb

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