A lot has been happening at the school the last little bit. I think it might be easiest just to give you a quick run of pictures. A few weeks back, the students had a visit from author Frank Cole, who wrote the Hashbrown Winter series. The first picture is during his assembly.
The final picture I have is actually a bit of a collage. With just a few to be made up this week, we have most all of our masks completed. They turned out super cute! Can you find your student's mask?
With that quick run down of the exciting parts of the last few weeks, let's take a quick look at the future. This week, we will have only a couple of math lessons, one on fractions and decimals, and one on finding the percent of a number. The week will conclude with a day of review and then the December benchmark test.
In reading this week they will be doing The Skill of Pericles, which is based on Greek Mythology. This is the last story of the theme which means on top of the story quiz, we will also be taking the Theme 3 test this week.
Science is continuing even further into the heat, light and sound unit. This week they are having a fun activity where they are going to be making tin can phones. Mrs. Dezember has asked that each student bring in one can, like a soup can, for the project. If your student has already, thank you, if not, please send one. If you can't for whatever reason, I know there's at least a few students so far that have brought extras.
Arts and Tech will moving on with the Newscasts.
Social Studies should be wrapping up their unit on Mesopotamia this week.
All in all, the craziness is continuing. With one week left until the break, I hope we can come in, work hard Monday thru Thursday, and then have an enjoyable day, with some fun activities on Friday. This hint should give part of Friday away to the students: They'll want to make sure they have no missing assignments on Friday!
Hope you're enjoying your weekend!
"What I do today is important because I am exchanging a day of my life for it." ~Thomas Simmons
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