Monday, January 28, 2013

Science Fair

It is time once again for the Science Fair. I know, I know, you're all super excited for it, but please try to contain your excitement as we prepare for this project.  The students received a packet on Monday, January 28, 2013, which will guide them through the entire process.  On the bottom of this entry, I will copy the parent letter that is coming home with it.  It is the first assignment required to be returned by Wednesday of this week.  You need to go through the packet and rules with your students.  After doing that, please sign the parent note and have them bring their packet back to me.  At no time do they ever need to take anything out of the packet.  I will either take a quick look to see if it's done, or I will have them turn in the whole packet.  At the start of the packets there is also a calendar which gives them every due date for things involved with the science fair packet.  There should be no question on when something is due.  Science Fair does need to be completed by each student, and will be worth 30% of their third term grade, so I do recommend they get started as soon as possible as to give it their best effort. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact Mr. Pratt,

Dear Parents and Students
The annual Science Fair will be held March 4-7, 2013.  You may enter one of the following projects:
Experiment – a display and explanation if an experiment which follows the scientific method. Volcanoes will not be accepted. Mentos/Coke experiments will not be accepted either.
Invention – a working model which solves a specific problem or makes a job easier to do.  Inventions should test a variable and follow the scientific method.
Biological and zoological projects are accepted at the discretion of the student’s teacher.  However, live and preserved specimens may not be displayed at the Science Fair.
All fifth and sixth grade students are required to turn in a project. Your classroom teacher will give you additional instructions on his/her requirements.
Please see and review the science fair rules, located in the back of the packet, with your child.
Parents are encouraged to guide students, but not build the project.  Remember, a good project is planned and developed over a period of time.  Start planning now!
SAA 5th and 6th Grade Teams 


  1. I hate the science fair, just saying!!!

  2. There might have been a thick coat of sarcasm in the first couple of sentences.
