Another project we've been working on is our DARE box. Every year, Officer Penrod gives the a task of designing a box that the students can put questions for him into. Previous years we've designed things such as a giant donut and a vending maching. This year he put a spin on it by asking us to work together with a class to design the box, so we had 54 students working on one box. It's quite a task to get that many ideas into one box, but I think we pulled it together. With just guidance from Mrs. McGuire and myself, the kids built this box, and I must say, I'm pretty proud of it:

If you've asked your kids what's been going on in math this week, I'm sure you've gotten grumbles for an answer because we've taken tests all week long. I have officially taught everything within the common core (as far as I know at least), so this week I gave tests to see how much they remembered. I used the data from those tests to find out which material would be best to recover between now and end of level testing. I now know what I will teaching between now and April 30th.
We also had book reports presented this week. We have one more book report coming up in the middle of April, a little more than a month away. It's another thing I wanted to make sure I got in before end of levels so they had one less thing to worry about during testing. Here's the schedule for the presentation of those:

I think that about covers everything that's been going on recently. Remember, the end of the term is this week. Unless previous arrangements were made, I have stop accepting assignments for third term. Anything from here on out will go on fourth term grades, which I will hopefully have started in the gradebook by Friday. I'm not entirely sure what day the school plans on sending home report cards. When I know more information, I'll let you know. I guess the big thing to look forward to at this point is spring break, April 2-6, which for me starts and ends a couple of days early and a couple of days late because my wife and I are adventuring to Holland! Yup, I'm finally spending a spring break how it should be spent!
With that, I hope everyone is enjoying their day off today. I look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow!
"It's spring fever. That is what the name of it is. And when you've got it, you want - oh, you don't quite know what it is you do want, but it just fairly makes your heart ache, you want it so!" ~Mark Twain
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