Happy Spring! The spring equinox is almost upon us. Tomorrow is one of two days of the year where we have exactly the same amount of day light as we do night. It also indicates the first official day of spring. So celebrate! Hopefully the snow is gone so it actually feels like spring again. Here's our homework board from this last week:

A lot has gone on in the past few weeks. Two weeks ago we had the science fair. Can I say "successful"? I was so impressed by the projects that were brought in. The students did a fantastic job using their scientific brains to pull together projects. I would love to put every picture I took up, but I'm not sure the page would load very well, so I'm going to narrow it down to just one, which is hard, but I've done it:

I have my reasoning for choosing this picture. I'm not sure how much information I can release, though, so I'm best not saying anything yet.
Another project we've been working on is our DARE box. Every year, Officer Penrod gives the a task of designing a box that the students can put questions for him into. Previous years we've designed things such as a giant donut and a vending maching. This year he put a spin on it by asking us to work together with a class to design the box, so we had 54 students working on one box. It's quite a task to get that many ideas into one box, but I think we pulled it together. With just guidance from Mrs. McGuire and myself, the kids built this box, and I must say, I'm pretty proud of it:

Great work on this kids!
If you've asked your kids what's been going on in math this week, I'm sure you've gotten grumbles for an answer because we've taken tests all week long. I have officially taught everything within the common core (as far as I know at least), so this week I gave tests to see how much they remembered. I used the data from those tests to find out which material would be best to recover between now and end of level testing. I now know what I will teaching between now and April 30th.
We also had book reports presented this week. We have one more book report coming up in the middle of April, a little more than a month away. It's another thing I wanted to make sure I got in before end of levels so they had one less thing to worry about during testing. Here's the schedule for the presentation of those:

I've put a bug into the students ears to get them thinking. Our final big writing project for the end of the year is going to be a country report. There will be a couple of artistic aspects to it as well as a written report. It will be a very guided project that, honestly, should they put effort into it, should be able to completely finished here at school. I will be giving them time to research, type, draw, everything, so as long as they use their time wisely, it shouldn't be difficult. As I said, though, for now, I've just put the thought of it in their minds so they can start thinking about what country they want to do. I've put just one limitation on it, they cannot do the United States. I have, however, challenged them to leave North America and try to do any country besides Canada or Mexico.
I think that about covers everything that's been going on recently. Remember, the end of the term is this week. Unless previous arrangements were made, I have stop accepting assignments for third term. Anything from here on out will go on fourth term grades, which I will hopefully have started in the gradebook by Friday. I'm not entirely sure what day the school plans on sending home report cards. When I know more information, I'll let you know. I guess the big thing to look forward to at this point is spring break, April 2-6, which for me starts and ends a couple of days early and a couple of days late because my wife and I are adventuring to Holland! Yup, I'm finally spending a spring break how it should be spent!
With that, I hope everyone is enjoying their day off today. I look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow!
"It's spring fever. That is what the name of it is. And when you've got it, you want - oh, you don't quite know what it is you do want, but it just fairly makes your heart ache, you want it so!" ~Mark Twain