I spent about an hour at his house talking with him and his mom. The two of them both seem in really good spirits about the whole adventure. He still seemed to have quite a bit of energy and his mom said his appetite is coming back. She's stocked up on his cravings, pizza bites!
With all things considered, the family seemed to be doing well so far. For privacy sake, I'm not going to mention any names here on the web, but your students should be able to fill you in with it. All I ask is that you keep him and his family in your thoughts, prayers, well wishes, whatever you do. And for you buddy, just know that we're here supporting you, teachers and students, and if you need anything, you're just around the corner from us.
On Friday, our class took some time to make and send him those well wishes and show him that we were here to support him. Below is a picture of what I delivered from our kids as I stopped in to make my visit.

Just a few notes on what's going on in class. Science fair is quickly approaching. I believe we're less than two weeks out, so make sure your students are on top of it. Book reports are coming up within the next couple of weeks as well. The year is moving along so quickly. I'm having troubles believing we're well beyond half way at this point. Only about 3 months left.
I'll leave you with the quote we have written in our big card up there because it's relavant, specifically to him, but really for all of us.
"Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference. Never, never, never give up." ~Winston Churchill
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