There's the answer! With my (we'll call it) lack of enthusiasm for the holiday, I usually don't celebrate Valentine's Day in my classroom. This year, I had enough kids upset about it that I gave them a chance to redeem it. I gave a writing assignment to write a persuasive essay convincing me we should have Valentine's Day. When I had students raise their hands asking if they could write one convincing me we shouldn't, I thought for certain my mind wasn't going to be changed.
Well, some good arguments were made for both sides, but one essay stood so far above the rest, I had to share it. It is an essay written far above grade level. There was research done. Both sides of the argument are addressed. Counter arguments are even given for the other side. I have to say kudos as this is one very well written essay:
"Please let us celebrate Valentines day. Valentines Day was first celebrated as a Pagan holiday in the 1st century A.D. and then began to be celebrated by early Christians. It is a real holiday and tradition in many cultures. It is held on February 14th in honor of St. Valentine who was killed on this day by the Roman Emperor Claudius II. Valentine was a priest who defied the Emperor by marrying young soldiers to their sweethearts. The Emperor felt like if the soldiers were married they would not be as willing to die for the kingdom, so he made it against the law to be married. Valentine disagreed and married them anyways and when the Emperor found out he put him in jail to be killed. Valentine fell in love with the jail keepers daughter and just before his death he wrote a love note that said "from your Valentine." That's where the phrase "Your Valentine" came from.
"It is a holiday that helps the sluggish economy because in the US alone the record spent is $24.7 billion in 2009. Valentines Day is banned in Iran. We don't want to be anything like Iran do we?
"It has always been mandatory in other classes to give everyone in the class a Valentine. A list of how to spell names of students properly has always been provided. All candy or treats had to be prepackaged and not homemade and must be eaten at home and non food related items were highly encouraged such as pencils, erasers etc. I have been celebrating Valentines Day at SAA since 1st grade, the first year it opened and have never had an issue with anyone being left out or not following the guidlines a teacher set. We are now in 6th grade and are more responsible then ever before. This helps us to be inclusive to others and also think of others on this holiday. I mean we're giving a valentine to people we may not even care that much for. For some people who do not have many friends or may feel lonely this is an opportunity for them to recieve a card or note from many people. Valentines day could be the only day of the year they feel like people care or like them. That's helping us grow in our character and character matters! If there is a special gift you want to give a friend that can be done after school and not during regular school hours.
"I can understand your concern for those who may not be able to afford valentines. Money is very tight right now for many families including mine. My mom has always had us make our own Valentines. We use constuction paper and stamps, or we find other creative people like Mrs. Skinner who can let us borrow their ideas and crafty gadgets. My mom uses Valentines Day to help my brothers with their handwritting by making them address all of them and use their best handwriting. Making handmade valentines is a family project that helps us build traditions. We even make them for all the Young Women at church, family, and friends, even the other teachers and lunch ladies. We make almost 150 Valentines as a family. It is quite a project but it is fun and we do it on the cheap! We spend less than $10 for all the supplies. Not all parents are as creative as my mom but we could make valentines in class as a project and exhange them.
"People should tell their loved ones every day that they love and care about them but, it is nice to have a special day to set aside just for that reason. It is unfortunate that some husbands only give their wives flowers and special attention on Valentines Day. I feel sad for that wife and a marriage like that probably won't last very long. But, we should feel patriotic every day and be proud of our freedoms but we still celebrate and dedicate the 4th of July to it. We should honor Veterans and their sacrifices every day but we honor them on a specific day. For some men it is hard to express their feelings but on Valentines day they show their softer side. I think that Valentines day has become a commercial holiday by buying the packaged Valentine cards with candy and sweets inside the box for money, as you said, but I think the true meaning of Valentines day is to make a simple card, telling people that they are special, and about showing your loved ones you care on this special day."
I'm not so certain I could write a better counter essay, so how could I not be persuaded? With that being said, our celebrations are going to be the same as the other sixth grade classes. They will be brief and will only include a short amount of time to pass things out, if they want to. Here are the rules and expectations:
· Giving Valentines is completely optional.
· If you give Valentines to anyone in our homeroom, you must give to everyone.
· You may give to Valentines to students in other classes, if you want to.
· Valentines will be handed out at 3 p.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 14.
· Students should have a box, sack or envelope to collect the Valentines.
· Containers may be decorated, but it is not necessary.
· Valentines may contain candy, or may not. It is your choice.
· Students may not eat or open candy or Valentines until they arrive home.
· Valentines are designed to make people feel good; they should not be used to hurt, annoy, or exclude others.
· Valentines may be purchased or homemade.
With that, I guess all I can say is Valentine's is back! Great job on your essays students!
"Persuasion happens to be not a science, but an art." ~William Bernbach
(Maybe that's why these students were so good at it.)