A few things to keep in mind as we move forward with this next week. The end of the second term is quickly approaching. The official last day is January 18, but this Friday will be the last day I will accept any work for this term. Most of the things we turn in this week will actually count toward term 3, aside from the book report and the math test. With that said, keep in mind that book reports are due this coming week. We will be presenting them Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Here is a list of who presents on what day:

With the end of the term coming, please, please, please make sure we keep a close eye on the online gradebook.
One of my classroom incentives is earning marbles in an attempt to fill a jar. Each time they fill a jar, they get a class party. Back in the end of November, we filled the jar, but we had so much going on with the play and all that it was just to hectic to fit in the party. Well, we finally fit it in today. We had a fun day playing all kinds of Minute to Win It games. Thanks again for the support of the volunteers who came in. You guys really made it run a whole lot more smooth than it would have were I to have tried to pull that off on my own. Thanks so much! I'll leave this weeks blog with a couple of pictures from our game day.

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