First thing to make mention of is our informance on Thursday. For those who don't know, an informance is an informal performance. It's a short presentation we invite parents to so they can get a brief snapshot of how we integrate the arts into the classroom. As I said, we will be performing it this Thursday, January 26, at 8:45. All parents are welcome to come and see and celebrate how the 6th grade has been using the arts within the classroom.
Also on Thursday, our school board is hosting a State of the School Address as well as a Celebration of Arts! Being involved with this with my Tech Club, I know that it is going to be a pretty fun evening. There will be several performances from grades K-9 as well as a few minutes of talking from the POEC, Board, and Administration. It will definitely be worth it to attend. We are also asking that you bring your students with you. They are involved in one of the songs being performed. The more students we can get here, the better the performance will be. From what Mrs. Bayn tells me, our class is doing the best with the song, so as an incentive to get them to want to be here, we are offering two homework passes to those who attend. This isn't something I freely give out, so hopefully they take advantage of it and help us out. It should last only about an hour and it begins at 6:30. Thank you in advance for those who get your family here to share this evening with us.
With second term over, I suppose I should make a mention about report cards. The plan is for them to go home on Monday, January 30. That gives all teachers this week to get things loaded and locked so the office can print them up.
As you know, make making started this week. Phase one ended up taking us a little longer than anticipated, but the results are worth it. Here is an example of one of our masks:
With the school year marching right along, it won't be long before it's all over. I hope everyone is enjoying their time here in sixth grade as much as I enjoy teaching it!
"Every artist was first an amateur." ~Ralph Waldo Emerson
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