Thanks to everyone who attended the State of the School/Celebration of Arts. It turned out to be quite the evening. The performances were great! It's not the best picture in the world, but here's a shot of the 4-6 graders performing their song.

The plan is to have report cards go home on monday or Tuesday. It's looking a little unsure right now, but that's still the "plan" so I'll keep you posted if it changes.
Our second field trip of the year is coming up on February 14. We will be going to Clark Planetarium. It's really a fun time and a great correlation with the 6th grade Science core. The money and permission slip are due by February 7. The paperwork will be coming home on Monday.
Thanks to everyone who has been turning their reading minutes in on a daily basis. Our class goal is 72,000 minutes by February 22. We've already got one student over the 2,500 mark, so we're making really good progress, but to get to that mark we're going to need everyone reading, Reading, READING! Keep it up those who have been turning it in! Let's break the precedence set by my class last year!
"The man who does not read good books has no advantage over the man who cannot read them." ~ Mark Twain