Friday, September 23, 2011

Character Matters Part List

This will be one of two blog posts I make this weekend, but I promised the students I'd get it up as soon as possible. We have been learning the songs for Character Matters, which is our class play for this year. Earlier in the week I had the students select the parts from a list that they would want to be in our show. Today, we auditioned. Based on the audition and the part selections, I made the list. I tried to get everyone one of the three parts they selected, but not everybody has been a given a part of their choosing.

Parents, I need your help getting the students who didn't get their first choice to understand that there are lots of parts in the show and when everyone wants the same parts, there are going to be disappointments. It is a lesson I learned early growing up in the theatre. It took me countless auditions before I was even given a part, and then had to work my way into the larger parts. They get the fortunate benefit that there are no cuts. Everyone gets a part in the show, it just might not be the part they wanted.

With that said, and with no further adieu, here is our part list:

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