Sunday, April 7, 2013

The Essential 46

As we come back from the break, it's a perfect time revisit all of our classroom rules. It's a well known fact among teachers that the closer we  get to the end of the year, the more the students struggle with controlling their anticipation for summer break.  This means that we sometimes have to rule with heavier hand.  Over Spring Break, I reread a book that I have on my shelf, "The Essential 55," by Ron Clark.  He's a fantastic educator.  In fact, if you ever get the chance, there is a movie that tells his story called, "The Ron Clark Story".  I highly recommend you watch it.  In the introduction of the book, he encourages those reading it to adapt his rules for their own classroom.  I thought this could be a "fun" way to tighten up a little bit around our classroom. It includes the required school rules as well as those of Mr. Clark's rules that I felt appropriate or adaptable to our classroom. So, here it is! The Essential 46:

The Essential 46
Based on Ron Clark’s, “The Essentail 55”

SAA’s Essential 7:

1.       Follow instructions
2.       Be prepared and participate
3.       Use hands, feet, and objects appropriately
4.       Use kind words
5.       Signal and wait to be called on
6.       SNAPPE
·         S-Sit up straight
·         N-Nod (show that you are paying attention)
·         A-Act interested
·         P-Be prepared
·         P-Participate
·         E-Evaluate
7.       Hall of FAME (Mr. Clark’s Rule 44)
·         Face forward
·         Arms to self
·         Mouths silent
·         Even line

Mr. Pratt’s Essential 39:

8.       Be attentive when any adult is talking and respond respectfully.
9.       Always have good sportsmanship when winning or losing.
10.   Respect other students’ comments, opinions, and ideas.
11.   Always use ‘Please’ and ‘Thank you’.
12.   Never make an inappropriate comment when given a something from someone.
13.   Surprise others be performing random acts of kindness.
14.   Use absolute caution when grading another student’s paper. The only marks you should make are an ‘X' over the number and a score at the end.
15.   When we read together in class, you must follow allow.
16.   Answer all written questions in complete sentences.
17.   Never expect rewards for behavior. If you ever ask for a reward, you will not receive it.
18.   Homework should be turned in on-time every day.
19.   Transition times need to be swift, quiet and orderly.
20.   You will make every effort to be as organized as possible.
21.   When I assign homework, there is to be no moaning or complaining.
22.   While you are with a substitute teacher, you are to obey the same rules that you follow when I am with you.
23.   Do not get out of your seat without permission.
24.   Do not speak unless:
a.       You are called on.
b.      I ask a question and you are responding.
c.       It is recess or lunch.
d.      I instruct you otherwise.
25.   You may bring a bottle of water and leave it on your desk throughout the day. Do not ask me if you can get water while I am teaching.
26.   Flush the toilet and wash your hands after using the restroom.
27.   Do not ever try to exclude anyone from anything.
28.   If any teacher in the school is speaking to or disciplining a student, do not look at that student.
29.   If you ever have any questions about your homework, do not hesitate to ask.
30.   Use your manners when eating in the lunchroom.
31.   After we eat, we will clean up after ourselves.
32.   If someone drops something, help them pick it up.
33.   If you are the first of a group of people to a door, hold the door for the others.
34.   If you bump into someone, even if you feel it was not your fault, say, ‘Excuse me’.
35.   During an assembly, do not speak, do not look around, and do not try to get the attention of your friends. Pay attention to the assembly.
36.   When you answer the phone, do so only in an appropriate manner, “Mr. Pratt’s class, student speaking.”
37.   Never cut in line. If someone cuts, do not say or do anything about it. Let it happen, tell me about it, and I will deal with the situation.
38.   If we are watching a video, there will be no talking whatsoever.
39.   If any child in this school is bothering you, let me know. I am your teacher, and am here to look after you and protect you.
40.   Stand up for what you believe in.
41.   Be positive and enjoy life.
42.   Live without regrets.
43.   Accept that you are going to make mistakes. Learn from them and move on.
44.   No matter what the circumstances, always be honest.
45.   Carpe diem. (Seize the day.)
46.   Be the best person you can be.

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