Sunday, March 17, 2013

March 17, 2013

Happy St. Patty's day, everyone!!!  Hopefully all my fellow Irish have found themselves a nice bit of corned beef and cabbage to celebrate, and hopefully the leperchauns haven't raised to much havoc in your households!

This picture below could earn picture of the year.  It was taken at the reward assembly this week for the reading contest.  Kourtney being the top reader in our class got the opportunity to hit me with her best pie arm.  Between her and the others who felt the need, I was cleaning whipped cream from places I didn't even know existed.  It's all worth it though.  Fostering a love of reading helps to promote lifelong learning, and really, there's never a good reason to stop learning.  We did take a more serious photo, but what's the fun in that? Kudos to you Kourtney for making way your way to the top reader!
Theres really only a few things worth mentioning at the moment, so I'll just make a short bulleted list of them:
  • The official end of the term is next week.  I will be stopping third term assignments in all subjects at some point this week.  Friday will be the last day to turn in any assignments, so the missing assignment list they get on Monday will be the last one of third term.
  • On the note of missing assignments, I have been keeping to my end of the deal, and unfortunately, some students have been affected by it.  Each time I create a new missing assignment list, anything that was on the previous list becomes a 0.  Honestly, if they turn it in once it's a 0, I will still give them some credit for it, but I will only attach it to one missing assignment list.
  • Book reports are due this week.  Pictured below is the schedule for when they will be presented.  I did warn those who present on Monday before the weekend, but the rest have not seen the schedule yet.  I will give them a copy of it Monday, but if you get a sec, share it with them so they are sure to be prepared:
We have some exciting new technology coming into the classroom.  I've begun introducing it to them already, but the familiar I make myself with it, the more it will get used.  Keep an eye out, as I should be posting another blog here within the next week showing it to you.

All in all, things are going well.  Aside from a slight head cold, my medical issues seem to be cleared, so once I can put the tissues away, we should be good to go!

One final note to make, the elementary musical is being performed this week. We don't have anyone performing in it, aside from Kameron, who is part of my Tech Crew, but it is a cute show, so if you have a spare night, bring your family. It will be playing Tuesday through Friday nights at 7:00. If you want to make a real event out of it, in honor of the musical being about Pirates, Friday night they are holding a pirate costume contest.

In true pirate fashion, let's end with a quote from Johnny Depp, the most famous pirate of current time:

"There are four questions of value in life: What is sacred? Of what is the spirit made? What is worth living for? And what is worth dying for? The answer to each is the same... only love."

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