So that countdown that nobody is doing, there's only 14 school days left! It's unbelieveable how quickly it's gone by! It feels like just yesterday that I was really getting to know these kids and now they're going to be leaving me! I'll just have to make sure we have some fun these last few weeks so I know they won't forget me! Haha! Our picture this week comes from the work we did in my rotation. It's called a "Tree of Life". There are five kingdoms that all living things are classified into. Each branch of the tree is dedicated to one of the five kingdoms and each leaf is dedicated to something within the kingdom it's connected to. 625 or so leaves later, and our tree filled in pretty well.

Grades are updated online as well. I am pretty close to being done giving out assignments that will be graded. There will be a few other small things, but for the most part, the lists are close to complete. There is still time to get in any missing assignments. My last day to accept any late work will be May 25. Please keep a close eye on your students and make sure they are caught up. It's a tough time of year for them to focus, so a little extra support could do them good.
A short note on things that are coming up. DARE Lagoon day is next Friday. We are pleaing with you that your students at least come to school so we can mark them here. Lagoon doesn't even open until 10:30, so if they can come until 10:00 to keep our attendance up, that would be greatly appreciated. Field Day is going to be Thursday, May 26. 6th grade will be doing their portion of field day in the afternoon. May 31 is the 6th grade end of year field trip. We will be walking up to the Syracuse Six and watching Kung Fu Panda 2. We will then head to the park right behind there and have some pizza and play some games. There is a permission slip required for this. I have about half of them in. There is also a $10 fee associated with it. The sixth grade talent show will be on June 2 at 9:00. The graduation will be held that same day at 2:00. June 3 is yearbook day. It's the final day for this school year. A day for bittersweet tears to be cried.
These last few weeks are going to go by super quick. I am going to do everything in my power to make sure your students enjoy the time we have left. I hope they do the same for me!
"But what minutes! Count them by sensation, and not by calendars, and each moment is a day." ~Benjamin Disraeli
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