We've made our way through almost all of our End-of-Level Testing. We'll be taking our last CRT this afternoon. We have a couple of graded tests to take this week as well. The L.A. Theme 6 test as well as the L.A. 4th Quarter Test. Also, a 4th Quarter Math test. After this week however, all of our testing for grades will be finished!
We finished our last story from our reading books last week and turned in the books, so this week will begin something a little different for reading. I have gotten my hands on a class set of the book Tuck Everlasting. We will be reading through it in little Book Clubs (groups of 5). There will be a packet to fill out as they go. Once we've read the book and quizzed on it, we might take a bit of class time and watch the movie as well.
After we test in Math, I think I'm going to just give them some different Math lessons that they might see next year. There will be assignments, but they won't be so heavily graded on how well they do on the concept as if they attempted it or not.
We have also been working heavily on the puppets we are going to be showing in our Informance. That will be coming up the 20th at 2:30 here in the auditorium. All parents are invited to come. It shuld be a fun time.
There is also a ton of things coming up, which information has gone home for already. The 6th Grade Graduation is on Thursday May 27th at 7 pm. Our sixth grade end of year field trip will be on Friday, May 28th. Permission slips should be home and returned ASAP. There were two different forms to fill out for it. I know DARE Lagoon day is coming up soon but they have yet to give us final information on it.
All in all, the end of the year is coming up SUPER quick! Only 17 school days left! (Not that anyone is counting.) I should hopefully be able to find the time to write on a semi-weekly basis again after this one. I'm sorry it has taken this long. At any rate, I'm just happy to still be trucking along with everything that has been going on! You're students are great and I really am going to be sad to see each and every one of them go. I'm not a crying man, but the end of the year could bring a few tears...
"In the end, it's not nexessarily the time you've put in, but what you've put into the time."
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