The other is what is hopefully going to become the book cover for a book that each of our students will write a part of and each of them will get to take a copy of home. "525,600, 2009-10". The question asked of them, there are 525,600 minutes in a year, what was your favorite of those this school year?
There is so much coming up, I'm just going to make a list in hopes that I get it all on here:
May 18-19 - Puppet Shows (Performed throughout the day, just how up to see them)
May 21 - Term 4 Reading Miunutes End
May 21 - DARE Lagoon Day (Student's are encouraged to be at school, it will be counted as an absense if they choose to go to Lagoon instead)
May 25 - Theseus and the Minotaur (In case any of Mrs. Dezember or Mrs. Johnson's parents check this)
May 27 - Field Day (The school is still in need of volunteers if you need hours)
May 27 - Sixth Grade Graduation, 7pm
May 28 - Sixth Grade Boondocks Field Trip
June 2 - Talent Show
June 2 - Last Day of School
As I said, there's a lot coming up. I probably missed something, but that's a good chunk of it. I have pretty much finished collecting things that are actually going to be on grades. Student have until Friday to get missing assignments turned in. I will be giving them a list as well as progress reports on Monday, so keep an eye out for those Monday evening.
All in all, I think that sums it up. Time is moving so fast, and I really am going to miss each and every one of these students!!!
"Time goes by so fast, people go in and out of your life. You must never miss the opportunity to tell these people how much they mean to you."