Sunday, September 27, 2009
September 21 - 25
Just a few reminders from this week. Book orders are due by Wednesday if you're wanting to get anything, I will be placing the order Wednesday after school. I sent home this week a note with my Parent Teacher Conference schedule on it. These are not until Wednesday and Thursday of next week (October 7 and 8). If you are unable to attend the time I have put you in, please contact me and we'll figure out a time that will work for the both of us. If the schedule happened to not make it home, also contact me and I can get you a copy of it.
I also did not realize until this week that our book reports were scheduled during the same week as Mrs. McGuire is doing the Culture fair with our kids. In an effort to alleviate a bit of pressure that week, I gave the kids the option to move it up to the week before (October 5-8). I have sent home a note that has a rubric for the Share-A-Books on it as well as your student's assigned date.
We have a short week coming up this week with Fall break giving us Thursday and Friday off. Being the end of the month, we have our September Benchmark tests we will be taking this week for Language Arts and Math. We will be using one day to review, one day to test and the other to grade. During the rest of the time in the mornings, we will be doing a Creature Feature, which is a fun little project where they will get to draw a creature and then write a descriptive enough paragraph that someone else could draw it off of just the description. The ultimate test will be when we give the descriptions to another class to see how well their drawings look like what they're supposed to look like.
In drama this previous week, we have begun reading through our script which will be the final project of the term. The script is for a short musical called The Turkeys Go On Srike. This coming week we will working on learning the rest of the songs for it. Hopefully by next week, I will have decided upon and assigned parts. Lastly, in science this week, we will be diving further into the Kingdom of Protists as we learn about animal-like Protists.
"Creativity is first of all an act of destruction." ~Picasso
Friday, September 18, 2009
September 14 - 18
I posed two retorical questions: How would you feel if this happened to you? How should you feel if this happened to you? The second question wasn't meant to invalidate any feelings they might have been considering, but because, in the book, Jess felt guilty. He thought it was his fault that Leslie ended up going to Terabithia alone and if he'd have been there, the rope wouldn't have broken and she wouldn't have died. With that, we talked about the guilty feeling, and how death is just as inescapeable as life, and it's never our fault if someone else passes on. I explained to them that there are a whole array of feelings that would be appropriate to feel in this situation, but guilt is not one of them.
I then handed them a paper with a few questions on it: How would you feel? How would you react? How would you want to be treated? Etc. After they filled them out, I asked for volunteer to share some of their answers and we used their answers for some more topics of discussion. Our discussions led perfectly into the poem that I ended the lesson with:
With this poem and the idea of it in mind, I had them end with writing a paragraph on why Jess' life was different now, not because she had passed, but because he had the opportunity of having her as a friend. It ended up being a far more powerful lesson than I could have ever asked for.
A few notes for parents: We started our box top collecting this week. The class that collects the most box tops, gets a soccer ball for their classroom. I also sent home book orders on Friday. Book orders can be done online now, or you can send in a paper copy and I will send them in online. If you do the ordering online from home, each order to come in online earns a free book for our classroom. Book orders are due by September 30. I am going to be getting the list of books the students are planning on using for their book reports on Monday. I will also assign them their exact date on Monday. I will make sure they write these in their planner, and then I will also give plenty or reminders. Again, the week for book reports is going to be October 12-16.
There's not a whole lot out of the norm coming up this week. We will be getting new spelling lists on Monday. Being a full week again, we will test them on Friday, so be sure they are practicing at home as well as at school. Our Basal story this week is going to be Darnell Rock Reporting. It's a story of a boy whose article on creating a garden for the homeless inspires others into action. We started measurements in math this week and will be continuing on with it for the majority of next week. The read aloud we will begin this week is Flat Staney. It's a pretty short read, but when we're finished with it, we are going to create Flat Stanleys and send them to a buddy class taught by my cousin in Wisconsin. Finally, in science we finished the Kingdom of Monerans this week and move into the Kindom of Protists next week.
"Practice what you know, and it will make clear what you do not know." - Rembrandt
Sunday, September 13, 2009
September 8 - 11
On a more serious side, this week was 9-11. Though I'm sure you parents remember every vivid detail about it as well as I do, the six graders this year were only 3 years old when it happened. I wanted to find a delicate way to share with them the seriousness of the whole day, without overdoing it. I decided to use the day to give them a lesson on the difference between a hero and a celebrity. I invited one of our student's father, who is a Syracuse Firemen, as well as the Syracuse Fire Chief, to come in and talk to our class Friday afternoon. As a presentation for them, we drew some pictures of heroes in action, and wrote letter thanking the firemen for what they do for us. I bound this into a nice little book, wrote a letter from the class and had everyone sign it. We presented this to them on Friday as a token of our gratitude; as a way to honor our hometown heroes.

Saturday, September 5, 2009
Week 3! August 31-September 4