Thursday, January 20, 2011
I Have a Dream!
"And when this happens, when we allow freedom to ring, when we let it ring from every village and every hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of God's children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual, 'Free at last! free at last! thank God Almighty, we are free at last!'" ~ Martin Luther King Jr.
Saturday, January 15, 2011
January 15, 2011
Do you find yourself craving it again? Well, I have just the thing. I will be sending home an order form on Wednesday allowing you to purchase both a DVD and Photograph. There are several options for the photograph: one would have just our class in it, one would have both our class and Mr. Albrecht's class, and then I will also be offering, for Mr. Albrecht's class, one with just his class in it. Below is what the photo would look like with both classes in it.
Both the DVD and photograph are going to cost $5 each, mostly to cover my costs in producing them.
With a little less stress on our plate, we will march our way into Term 3. The deadline for any missing assignments was this last Friday, so any work we do now will go onto third term. Report cards are scheduled to go home on Monday, January 31.
When we get back on Wednesday, I will be hosting the classroom spelling bees. The top two from each class will move onto the school spelling bee, which will be held next Wednesday, January 26.
Math for the next little bit will be some review assignments on topics which last month's benchmark test told me we needed some extra work on. Next Wednesday, January 26, will be a review day for the Second Term Benchmark test which will be next Thursday, the 27.
All of the other subjects continue to March forward as well. Reading will probably not have a full story this week with it being a short week, but Science will move on into the Third term material: Seasons and Moon Cycles.
All in all right now, I am a very proud teacher. These students took all of my pushing in stride, and even dared to bring me back down to Earth when I needed it most. That brings me the first ever quote of the week from a student:
"Mr. Pratt, it's just a sixth grade play. The parents will understand if it's not perfect." ~ Anna Smith
I can't thank her enough for saying that to me. I will certainly never forget it! Enjoy the long weekend!!!
Friday, January 7, 2011
January 7, 2011
And the first week of it is already over. With our big play coming up, I wanted to give you a sneak peak at what was to come:

This is the setting for our stage. I spent the evening setting up the lights and sound. Unfortunately, where we share the stage with the school, some of it will have to move after rehearsal on Monday, but at least it's all works!
With all that said, I do want to remind you about the play. Little Red Riding Hood will be performed by my class with Mr. Albrecht's class as our accompanying chorus. The one and only performance will be this coming Thursday, January 13, 2011, at 10:00 in the morning. All parents are invited to enjoy. I will also be filming it and putting together DVDs and pictures. If you are interested in those, I will be sending home an order form after the performance. They will cost $5 a piece, basically to cover my expense to put them together.
Even with a big performance on the cusp, school is progressing as usual. We have been working more with fractions this week. We have learned to multiply and divide both fractions and mixed numbers. Grammar has taken a slower progression, putting the play in forefront, but we have still learned about adjectives the last few weeks: proper, demonstrative, and comparatives.
Reading continued into Theme 4 this week with an exert from My Side of the Mountain.
Science wrapped up term 2 by taking their Heat, Light and Sound test.
Social Studies has been working on their country reports as well. There are a few assignments coming up for it: a political map, and a physical map of their country. Those are due by January 13.
As a warning, the end of the term is near. The actual ending date is January 20. All missing assignments are due by the end of this coming week, otherwise they will be counted as zeros on the report card. Can you believe we're already half way through the year?!
With that, I'll bid an end to this week's blog. I hope to see you all on Thursday for the performance!
"I try to give the best bang for the buck. I love performing more than anything else." ~ Jimmy Buffett