On Tuesday we had Jazz player Kosta Koufos visit our school for being one of the top 10 schools in the reading contest.
As I said, it was one busy week. There never seems to be a dull moment, which is good, but also keeps us a bit on edge. Hopefully, this weeks things slow down a little and bring us a bit of normality.
I will be sending home Progress Reports on Monday. Attached to these will be a few things. First off, I am going to be changing my late work policy. It will be outlined in an attached note, but basically, every either Monday or Tuesday I will give the kids a list of their missing assignments. Assignments will only reach this list once before I will enter them as a zero into the gradebook. Credit will still be possible, but it's will be the student's responsibility to get the work in, rather than my houdning them week after week for the assignments. I am doing this mostly because I feel as if I'm doing them a bit of a disservice by not better preparing them for how things will be in school years to come. The last few months will be a little closer to the stricter standards they will be held to in future years. Also attached to the progress reports will be this weeks missing assignment list, if your student has any, as well as copies of the worksheets for them to make it up.
Other than that, I'm hoping this week will be a little more normal. I've been hoping that for weeks now, so maybe I should redefine normal in my dictionary. Anyway, we will be reading a story this week called Out of the Darkness. It is the story of Louis Braille, the inventor of the Braille alphabet for the blind.
Math this week we will be reviewing adding and subtracting integers, fractions and mixed numbers. We've only got one month of teaching left for math before we begin reviewing the entire year and prepping them for end of levels.
Science this week we will be creating a human solar system, learning about comets, asteroids and meteors, and also touching on technologies used on the ground and in space to study the solar system.
Also, please remember the basket our class is building for the Art Gala. I've only gotten a few donations in, so please, if you can add to our cause. You have until March 10 to send any Twilight themed items in with your student.
Considering I talked a bit about normality, I figured I'd end with a quote on the same:
"For me, insanity is super sanity. The normal is psychotic. Normal means lack of imagination, lack of creativity." - Jean Dubuffet